Sports & Recreation
Hickory Motor Speedway | Hickory Crawdads Baseball | Dale Jarrett
If you are planning a sporting event, you have come to the right place. Whether you are looking for a venue to host a wrestling match or planning a gymnastic competition, we have the facilities to handle just about any sporting event. Hickory has been the host to many baseball, basketball, and soccer tournaments just to name a few. Call the Sales Manager at 1-800-509-2444 or email and lt the CVB help you with your "game plan."
Lenoir-Rhyne University Athletic Facilities |
Moretz Stadium |
- Seats 8,500 permanent seating
- Playing Surface: Natural Grass
- Regulation football field (120 yds x 75 yds)
in the infield - Pressbox: includes PA System, CD player
- Best Division II Stadium in SAC Conference
Shuford Gymnasium |
- Seats 3,500 permanent seating
- Playing Surface: Hardwood Floor
- Regulation basketball court
Moretz Gymnasium |
- Exhibition Space
- No Seating
Shuford Swimming Pool |
- Olympic size swimming pool, with diving blocks
- Lap or recreation swim available
- Spectator seating available, approximate seating
available: 100-150
Soccer Field |
- Regulation soccer field
- Playing Surface: Natural Grass
- Movable Bleachers available
- Pressbox available
Softball Field |
- Regulation fastpitch softball field
- Dirt infield
- Movable Bleachers available
- Pressbox available
Baseball Field |
- Regulation baseball field
- Dirt infield
- Movable Bleachers available
- Pressbox available
Henry Fork River Park |
Hickory The 45 acre park consists of a seven-field soccer complex. Fields are of tournament competition quality and of varying sizes. One field is lighted with stadium seatings provided. The complex is equipped with concession stand and restrooms. |
Hickory Motor Speedway |
Hickory 70 East, Newton Hailed as the birthplace of NASCAR stars late Dale Earnhardt, Junior Johnson, Ned and Dale Jarrett and Harry Gant, and opened in 1951, this is the country's longest continuously operated NASCAR track. Season runs March through October. |
Kiwanis Park |
605 7th Avenue, Hickory The park consists of 16 acres, which include a four field, youth baseball complex. All four fields are lighted for night play. three of the fields have 200-foot fences with the fourth field having a 188-foot fence. All outfield fences are 10 feet high. Complex is equipped with concession stands, restrooms, and scorebooths. |
L.P. Frans Stadium |
2500 Clement Blvd, Hickory Stadium is located next to Winkler Park; 5,100 seat professional baseball stadium. L.P. Frans Stadium is home of the Hickory Crawdads, a SAL Class A affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Crawdads Season runs April-September. 828-322-300 |
Stanford Park |
805 13th Avenue NE, Hickory The park consists of 25 acres with a three field adult softball complex. All three fields are lighted for night play. Two of the fields have 285-foot fences with the third field having a 300-foot fence. All outfield fences are 10 feet high. Complex is equipped with concession stands, restrooms and scorebooths. |